5 Work Packages within NeurotechEU
The continuous integration of education, research and innovation is one key aim of the NeurotechEU measures. These project measures are being coordinated in five work packages designed to build a transnational, transdisciplinary educational offering. All eight institutions are represented in all work packages.
Work packages and topic areas
The university alliance NeurotechEU is divided into five work packages: (1) Management and Coordination, (2) Interdisciplinary Knowledge Creation, (3) Empowering Learners and Staff, (4) Common Policies and Strategy Development, (5) Impact and Dissemination
The University of Bonn is leading WP 2 “Interdisciplinary Knowledge Creation” together with the Radboud University.

Work packages
What is it about?
- To streamline and optimise the Alliance’s operations by creating a joint, modular and scalable governance structure for international, multi-institutional and intersectoral collaboration.
- Enshrine the common vision and values of NeurotechEU in all its procedures.
- To oversee and manage the organisational budget and financial operations during the project’s duration while ensuring compliance with EC and national rules and regulations.
- To enhance coherence and collaboration by consolidating effective internal communication procedures, tools and channels.
- To reduce risks by implementing a comprehensive risk management plan and performing regular risk assessments.
What is it about?
- Creating inclusive, wholistic, and comprehensive training programs in all eight NeurotechEU dimensions based on the NeurotechEU epistemic and didactic cycle and the knowledge square.
- To realize cross-institutional Master’s and PhD programs addressing all students' diverse learning needs and skill levels.
- To develop and deploy metrics to assess knowledge creation, retention and application improvement.
- To increase the reach and accessibility of NeurotechEU content by further improving and extending its online platforms (NeurotechEU Spaces), e.g. Campus+, and their integration in active learning environments.
- Enhancing the training experience and impact for learners by developing and launching online, AI-supported interactive and immersive tools and complementary in-person learning resources.
- To enhance inclusivity by making the NeurotechEU Spaces open to all.
What is it about?
- Assure that in all NeurotechEU training programs, learners are familiarized with the NeurotechEU content space and its science, technology, and application epistemic cycle and pedagogical models have adapted accordingly.
- Enhance equal opportunities for all by translating the values of NeurotechEU as expressed in its Policy and Action Plan for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Living Values, and Joint Mission Statement into concrete measures and monitoring procedures that are integrated into the various training, participation, and management platforms of NeurotechEU.
- To develop and apply ethical and socially responsible neurotechnology research and innovation in accordance with European values, and NeurotechEU’s living values and Neurometaphysics dimension.
- Accelerate the translation from knowledge to high-impact applications by enhancing the role of entrepreneurship and ethical innovation training in the Neurometaphysics programs of NeurotechEU.
- To significantly increase the participation rate of learners and staff in training and mobility programs through implementing a comprehensive training and mobility strategy building on the complementarity among the partners and the bridges afforded by the NeurotechEU Cycle and the NeurotechEU content space.
What is it about?
- Enhance collaboration within the alliance and associated partners by building on the NeurotechEU content space and science-technology-application cycle and by maintaining common roadmaps and realising their associated actions, including the realisation of common research programs.
- Expand the NeurotechEU consortium with minimally two new universities, which at least one coming from widening countries based on complementarity and the NeurotechEU living values.
- To establish partnerships with minimally three European University Alliances based on alignment with NeurotechEU’s content space, values and strategies through active engagement and sharing of programs.
- To develop scenarios on the long-term sustainability and legal status of NeurotechEU in the context of EU values and policies on the European Education Area, European Research Area, and the NeurotechEU Living Values and content space.
- To develop a common strategy for technology transfer to assure the translation of neurotechnology to high-impact applications serving European society and economy.
What is it about?
- Assure visibility and relevance by communicating results and good practices achieved by NeurotechEU with its stakeholders and target groups to serve as a model organisation in the new European Education Area and European Research Area.
- Provide robust visibility of NeurotechEU and its EU funding measured with KPIs on a biannual basis.
- Enhance channels for impact creation by building the NeurotechEU innovation network through collaborations with European, national, and regional business development organisations and businesses.
- Develop a strategy to build on the European Innovation Council Regional Innovation Ecosystem initiative and realise the NeurotechEU Innovation Ecosystem.
Coordination and bodies
The Project Management Team is responsible for the strategic design of NeurotechEU at the University of Bonn, supported by the Project Office. The Student Council represents the interests and concerns of students within NeurotechEU.

The Project Management is responsible for overall coordination at the University of Bonn and maintains contact with the central project management at Radboud University in Nijmegen.
Prof. Dr. Ilona Grunwald Kadow (Academic Director)
Institut für Physiologie II
+49 228 287-53202
Dr. Katharina Fuchs-Bodde (Administrative Director)
International Office
+49 228 73-5950
The Student Council is composed of elected representatives from all partner universities and nominates representatives for all work packages and the Board of Governors. The Student Council in Bonn for NeurotechEU supports the Project Office and the work packages.
- Aarcha Renuka Shaji
- Emely Voltz
Contact: synapses.ntsc.bonn@gmail.com