23. January 2024

Short course: The Distributed Adaptive Control of Intelligent Action: Sequential Episodic Control Short course - Virtual mobility - 30th of January 2024


prof. dr. P.F.M.J. Verschure (Paul),
I.T. Freire (Ismael),
F. Amil (Adrian),
Guerrero Rosado (Oscar),



Participation terms:

Both AIDA and non-AIDA students are encouraged to participate in this short course. If you are an AIDA Student* already, please: · Step (a) register for the course by following the Course Link https://forms.gle/hbDaBHyEkguMRrG67 AND · Step (b) enroll in the same course in the AIDA system using the button below, so that this course enters your AIDA Course Attendance Certificate. If you are not an AIDA Student do only step (a). *AIDA Students should have been registered in the AIDA system already (they are Ph.D. students or PostDocs that belong only to the AIDA Members listed on this PAGE: https://www.i-aida.org/about/members/)


(1) Introductory talk: The Distributive Adaptive Control cognitive architecture.

(2) Reactive control: Allostatic orchestration of motivated behavior.

(3) Adaptive control: Convolutional Autoencoder for image compressing.

(4) Contextual control: Sequential Episodic Control for sample-efficient behavioral learning.

NeurotechEU, Radboud University, organizes an online AIDA short course on “The Distributed Adaptive Control of Intelligent Action: Sequential Episodic Control” offered through the International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA).

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