09. August 2023

NeurotechEU Short-Term Mobility Programs for graduate level courses for doctoral students by StratNeuro, Karolinska Institutet. Call for Applications: Scholarships for doctoral students

Karolinska Institutet is pleased to invite doctoral students from all NeurotechEU partner universities to graduate levels courses as part of what is called “Frontiers in Neuroscience”. Supported by StratNeuro, Karolinska Institutet offers doctoral students the possibility to take part in one of the following four graduate level courses that will take place on site in September and October 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden. 

Call for Applications: NeurotechEU short-term mobilities by StratNeuro
Call for Applications: NeurotechEU short-term mobilities by StratNeuro © Sina Loos
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Neurodegenerative Disorders I: Genes, Mechanisms and Clinical Aspects (2023-09-25 — 2023-09-29)

The purpose of the course is for participants to gain knowledge concerning genetics, molecular mechanisms as well as clinical features and treatment strategies of neurodegenerative disorders. To gain and apply new knowledge, participants will (in addition to lectures by experts in the field) prepare and give own oral presentations as well as ask and answer questions in the group during the course week. The course will allow interaction between PhD-students and students of the KI Master’s programme in biomedicine (elective course in their second year), all with a special interest in neuroscience.

Brain Circuits (2023-10-02 — 2023-10-06)

The purpose of the course is to provide doctoral students in the field of neuroscience with an overview of current state-of-the art approaches, technologies and concepts used for understanding of the brain’s circuits and functions in animal models. There is a very strong emphasis on research in mice. All invited speakers have made seminal contributions to how we currently study and understand the brain, and there will be ample opportunities for the students to interact with the speakers, and discuss aspects relevant to their own work.

Functional Cognitive Neuroanatomy (2023-10-09 — 2023-10-13)

This course aims to provide a basis in cognitive neuroscience and the neuroanatomy that supports it. The course will enable participants to get a good understanding of how the brain makes decisions, forms long term memories and handles emotions.

The developing brain (2023-10-16 — 2023-10-20)

Developmental biology lies at the heart of an effort to understanding complex biological systems. By studying how neural circuits are assembled we can extrapolate key aspects of their function as well as devise strategies for their repair. This course is given to deepen the understanding of how molecular and cellular mechanisms underlie neurobiological function and to widen the horizon of students within the strong Karolinska neuroscience community.

Profile of participants

The courses are open to all doctoral students from the NeurotechEU alliance.

In order to apply for a scholarship, you must be a doctoral student registered at the University of Bonn or a postdoctoral/young researcher employed at the University of Bonn with a background in neuroscience at the graduate level and some experience or research interest in the topic of the chosen course. 

How can you apply?

To receive a NeurotechEU scholarship for the one of the courses offered by StratNeuro, please send the following documents to: projectoffice@theneurotech.eu

  • Motivation letter, in which you explain how taking the course will benefit your training and PhD research
  • CV
  • Verification of your status at the University of Bonn

Accommodation and travel costs will be covered by NeurotechEU.

Following the course, all scholarship holders are expected to create a testimonial about their experience with NeurotechEU (more information to follow!).

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