12. August 2024

Donders Discussions 2024 "Empowering connections from neurons to society" at Radbod University Donders Discussions 2024

Call for Applications: Scholarships for PhD students or Senior Researchers

NeurotechEU is pleased to invite PhD students and senior researchers to the 7th Donders Discussion which will take place from October 17-18, 2024. The topic of this year’s edition: Empowering connections from neurons to society.

The Donders Discussions is a two-day neuroscience conference organized by and for PhD candidates and Post-docs. The conference aims to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge by facilitating small-scale and in-depth discussions between junior researchers within and beyond the Donders Institute. The Donders Discussions have a strong multi-disciplinary objective, covering neuroscience from molecular and cellular processes up to system-level cognition and behavior. This integration of diverse disciplines creates an optimal atmosphere for fruitful discussions which can potentially lead to future collaborations.

Donders Discussions 2024
Donders Discussions 2024 © Sina Loos
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This year’s edition of the Donders Discussions is all about empowering connections and about exploring the way from neurons to society in neuroscientific research. Were you just waiting for an opportunity to present your most recent results to your colleagues, would you enjoy pitching your research project, or do you want to hear more about how our research translates to society? Come join us on the 17th and 18th of October 2024 at the Sanadome in Nijmegen! Want to get to know your fellow PhDs and Post-docs even better? Join the evening activity on Thursday and enjoy pancakes with us on the famous Pannenkoekenboot in Nijmegen.

Preliminary program:

Thursday 17 October 2024

  • 12:30 - Walk-in (lunch not included)
  • 13:00 - Opening key note lecture
  • 14:00 - Parallel sessions: Presentations by PhD students
  • 15:30 - Break
  • 16:00 - Parallel session: Creative presentations by PhD students
  • 17:45 - Dinner on Pannenkoekenboot

Friday 18 October 2024

  • 09:00 - Walk-in
  • 09:30 - Key note lecture
  • 11:00 - Break
  • 11:30 - Parallel session: Poster pitches & presentations
  • 13:00 - Lunch
  • 14:00 - Parallel session: Group discussions & workshops
  • 15:00 - Break
  • 15:30 - Plenary session
  • 16:30 - Closing

This conference is sponsored by NeurotechEU, ProefschriftMaken BV and MedCat BV.

Registration fee:

  • 30 euros (+15 euro if you sign up for the pancake boat)

Please note that this registration form only registers your participation and does not include any abstract submission yet. Opportunity for abstract submission and the according deadlines will follow asap.

Profile of participants

The conference target audiences are PhD students and Senior Researchers in neuroscientific disciplines.

In order to apply for a NeurotechEU scholarship, you must be a doctoral student/researcher affiliated with the University of Bonn or University Hospital Bonn. 

How can you apply?

To receive a NeurotechEU scholarship for Donders Discussions 2024 “Empowering connections from neurons to society” at Radboud University, please send the following documents: 

  • Motivation letter (max. one page)
  • CV
  • Verification of your status at Uni Bonn/UKB

Accommodation, travel costs and the costs for registration will be covered by NeurotechEU.

If you're interested in the Donders Discussions, please send your application documents by September 9, 2024 in one PDF file by e-mail to the NTEU Mobility Manager Ms. Sina Loos: s.loos@uni-bonn.de

After the conference, scholarship recipients are required to submit a testimonial describing their experiences with NeurotechEU. More information will follow!

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