11. September 2024

Doctoral course "Functional Cognitive Neuroanatomy" from October 21-25, 2024 at Karolinska Institutet Functional Cognitive Neuroanatomy

Call for Applications: Scholarships for PhD candidates in neuroscientific disciplines

Karolinska Institutet opens their doctoral courses for PhD candidates within the NeurotechEU alliance. This course aims to provide a basis in cognitive neuroscience and the neuroanatomy that supports it. The course will enable participants to get a good understanding of how the brain makes decisions, forms long term memories and handles emotions.

Functional Cognitive Neuroanatomy
Functional Cognitive Neuroanatomy © Sina Loos
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After the course the students should be able: 

  • to describe the field of cognitive neuroscience
  • to explain how the brain can make decisions, form lasting memories and compute emotional states
  • to show where in the brain and by which structures these different functions are controlled.

Course content:

  • theoretical sessions and practical work related to decision-making, memory formation and emotion
  • MRI and human brains
  • Group work dealing with practical and theoretical aspects of cognitive neuroanatomy
  • Lectures, seminars and practical group work in the dissection room.
  • The course is given in English 

For successful completion of the course (1.5 credits) :

Lectures, seminars, group work in the dissection room and the final exam are obligatory. To compensate for absence participants will be given individual tasks that involve the respective theoretical or practical item missed.

The form of assesment will be a practical exam on neuroanatomy and an oral presentation for the theoretical part.

Profile of participants

The doctoral course target audiences are PhD candidates in neuroscientific disciplines, bioengineering, clinical or neuro-psychology, data science and neurobiological sciences.                     

In order to apply for a scholarship, you must be a  doctoral student employed at the University of Bonn/ University Hospital Bonn.  


How can you apply?

To receive a NeurotechEU scholarship for the Doctoral Course in Stockholm, please send the following documents to our NTEU Project Office:

  • Motivation letter (max. one page)
  • CV
  • Verification of your status at Uni Bonn/University Hospital Bonn

Accommodation and travel costs during the five-day stay will be covered by NeurotechEU.

If the course content piques your interest, please send your application documents by September 24, 2024 in one PDF file to the NTEU Project Office Team: Neurotecheu-Assist@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de

Participation in the course can only be guaranteed once the Karolinska Institutet has approved your participation as the application will go on a first-come, first-served basis. So be quick and apply as soon as possible!

Following the course, the scholarship holders are expected to create a testimonial about their experience with NeurotechEU (more information to follow!).

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