24. March 2023

NeurotechEU Summer School on 'Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation' in Debrecen, July 17-22 NeurotechEU Summer School on 'Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation', Debrecen, July 17-22 - Call for applications

New application deadline!

The University of Debrecen is pleased to invite NeurotechEU students to the summer school on ‘Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation’ that takes place between 17th - 22nd July 2023 at the University of Debrecen, with a 3-day online course (10th-13th July) preceding the event. The summer school is organized as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program and will offer you the opportunity to build up and expand your theoretical and practical knowledge on ‘Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation’.

Summer School, University of Debrecen
Summer School, University of Debrecen © (c) Sina Loos
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The first part of the NeurotechEU summer school will be held on-line and theoretical background of sample preparation and Electron Microscopy techniques will be discussed by tutors from University of Debrecen (UD) and partners from the NeurotechEU.

The second part of the course will be a 5 day long practical course, held in the Electron Microscopy Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (UD). During the hands-on training participants will have the chance to observe fixation methods, sectioning with the ultramicrotome, osmification, dehydration, embedding, mounting. A separate day will be dedicated to manual and automated (ATUMtome) serial ultrathin section cutting. They will also get an introduction to recognizing basic neuronal and glial structures on EM images.

Host university teaching staff /experts: Greta Kis, Vera Etelka Szarvas and Peter Szucs

Number of ECTS granted: 3 ECTS


How does the physical program look like?

1st day (17 July, Monday)

Transcardial perfusion, brain tissue sampling / vibratome sectioning (for SBF-SEM)


2nd day (18 July, Tuesday)

Embedding of resin impregnated tissue blocks in capsules / mounting of resin impregnated sections on slides / preparation of formvar coated grids


3rd day (19 July, Wednesday)

Practical overview of osmification, dehydration and embedding steps


4th day (20 July, Thursday)

Manual and automated cutting of serial ultrathin sections using ultramicrotome and ATUMtome / glueing osmificated blocks on pins for SBF-SEM / Sightseeing (optional)


5th day (21 July, Friday)

Manual and automated cutting of serial ultrathin sections using ultramicrotome and ATUMtome / glueing osmificated blocks on pins for SBF-SEM / Sightseeing (optional)


Profile of participants

Students enrolled in universities part of the NeurotechEU alliance, electron microscopy technicians, laboratory assistants.

In order to apply, you must be a student of the following degree programs of the University of Bonn:


-          MSc./PhD Neurosciences

-          BSc./MSc./PhD. Psychology

-          BSc. Molecular Biomedicine, M.Sc. Biochemistry, M.Sc. Immunobiology + PhD students

To receive an Erasmus+ scholarship to attend the Summer School on ‘Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation’, please submit the following documents:

  • Motivation letter (max. one page)
  • CV
  • Certificate of matriculation
  • Transcript of Records of your current study program

Selected students can attend the summer school free of charge and will receive an Erasmus+ scholarship of 70 € per day to finance the costs of travel, accommodation and meals. If applicable, an additional supplementary grant for "green" travel of 50 € will be paid. Students with disadvantages have the opportunity to apply for an additional grant of 100-150 €.

Take the chance and apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship by sending your application documents by June 19, 2023 in one PDF file to our NeurotechEU Mobility Manager Ms. Sina Loos: s.loos@uni-bonn.de!

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