
5 Work Packages For All Partners

The continuous integration of education, research and innovation is one key aim of the NeurotechEU measures. These project measures are being coordinated in five work packages designed to build a transnational, transdisciplinary educational offering. All institutions are represented in all work packages.

Work packages, topic areas

The structure and organizational unit are designed to safeguard the long-term process for establishing a European University. The project is divided into five work packages: (1) Management and Coordination, (2) Interdisciplinary Knowledge Creation , (3) Empowering Learners and Staff , (4) Common Policies and Strategy Development and (5) Impact and Dissemination.

The University of Bonn is coordinating the work package number 2, Interdisciplinary Knowledge Creation.

© Volker Lannert/ University of Bonn

Work packages


Radboud University, Nijmegen (Netherlands)

What is it about?

  • Developing a scalable and modular governance setup for international, multi-institutional and cross-sectoral cooperation
  • Monitoring measures and activities
  • Creating a shared digital platform for administration, cooperation and the responsible use of resources

Representatives from the University of Bonn

Dr. Sarah Monreal
NeurotechEU Project Office, Administrative Specialist Partnership and Network Management, European University Network NeurotechEU

Stephanie Taylor
NeurotechEU Student Council


University of Bonn

What is it about?

  • Drafting, implementing and revising the Neurotech Education and Research Quality (NERQ) Compendium
  • Evaluating NeurotechEU activities
  • Ensuring quality assurance for work results
  • Assessing and implementing improvements based on Qualitative and Quantitative Quality Reviews (Q3R)


Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden)

What is it about?

  • Organizing focus groups tackling challenges in the neurosciences
  • Charting the current state of knowledge with the desired objectives for technological developments
  • Drawing up a timetable for reaching the desired milestones, revising targets based on developments within the alliance and in society
  • Future-proofing the NeurotechEU education, research and innovation programs

What is it about?

  • Developing and implementing a scalable open-source digital platform (Campus+) to facilitate blended learning for all
  • Setting up the NeurotechEU Graduate School to train postgraduates (MSc and PhD) and foster a culture of professionalism in an intersectoral environment
  • Putting in place a NeurotechEU program for lifelong learning for all social groups in order to recruit new talent and eradicate educational inequalities within society
  • Automatic recognition of students’ achievements at partner universities
  • Sub-groups (sub-topics)
    • Campus+
    • Online series on current methods in neurotechnology
    • Organizing a NeurotechEU summer school
    • Mobility, exchange and recognizing study achievements
    • Pedagogy

What is it about?

  • Identifying challenges in the neurosciences that technological innovations will be able to help solve in the foreseeable future
  • Bringing together the main stakeholder groups from all sectors, including the European universities, to spark innovations
  • Developing, implementing and disseminating future-proof neurotechnologies
  • Helping to remove the remaining barriers between the worlds of academia and industry in order to facilitate the professionalization of apprentices and foster innovation in society

Coordination and bodies

The Project Management Team is responsible for the strategic design of NeurotechEU at the University of Bonn, supported by the Project Office. The Student Council represents the interests and concerns of students within NeurotechEU.

© Volker Lannert/ University of Bonn


The Project Management is made up of one academic and one administrative director. The body is responsible for strategic decisions concerning NeurotechEU at the University of Bonn and maintains contact with the central project management at Radboud University in Nijmegen.

Prof. Dr. Ilona Grunwald Kadow (Academic Director)
Institut für Physiologie II
+49 228 287-53202

Dr. Katharina Fuchs-Bodde (Administrative Director)
International Office
+49 228 73-5950

The Project Office ensures that workflows and communication processes run smoothly and helps the Project Management Team to coordinate all NeurotechEU activities and measures at the University of Bonn.

General inquiries

Marius Fabien Heimann
Project assistant
Office and financial management- 

Dr. Sarah Monreal
NeurotechEU Project Coordinator
+49 228 73-9632

Dr. Verena Schropp
Academic Coordinator
+49 228 73-7611

Uta Brus
German as a Foreign Language Coordinator
+49 228 73-3011

Sina Loos
Mobility Manager
+49 228 73-60587

Dr. Nils Flüthmann
Innovation Manager
Collaboration in WP3 and WP4; Scouting and start-up consulting at EnaCom in NeurotechEU-relevant areas

Dr. Kristof Keidel
Post-doctoral Researcher in Psychology
Scientific advisor within NTEU and research cooperation 

The Student Council is composed of elected representatives from all nine partner universities and nominates representatives for all work packages and the Board of Governors. The Student Council  in Bonn for NeurotechEU supports the Project Office and the work packages.

Elena Bonilla

Giada Longa


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