NeurotechEU Winter School
The Miguel Hernández University of Elche is pleased to invite you to the NeurotechEU Winter School on "Challenges and risks of neuroscience and neurotechnology in times of Artificial Intelligence”. The Winter School will take place from December 16-18, 2024 in Elche, Spain.
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Neurodegenerative Disorders II
Karolinska Institutet opens their doctoral courses for PhD candidates within the NeurotechEU alliance. This course aims to provide a deeper understanding of neurodegenerative disorders, focusing on molecular mechanisms and techniques used for studying these, as well as treatment strategies. Interested PhD students of the University of Bonn are invited to apply.
F*ck up night
Join us for an unforgettable night, generously sponsored by Proteintech. This isn't your typical science gathering; it's a celebration of the twists and turns, the trials and tribulations that make science so intriguing—and you, a better researcher.
Functional Cognitive Neuroanatomy
Karolinska Institutet opens their doctoral courses for PhD candidates within the NeurotechEU alliance. This course aims to provide a basis in cognitive neuroscience and the neuroanatomy that supports it. The course will enable participants to get a good understanding of how the brain makes decisions, forms long term memories and handles emotions.
NeurotechEU Hackathon in Istanbul
We are thrilled to invite you to the second challenge-driven and applied NeurotechEU hackathon!
You as a student or researcher, will work in teams, drawing from all your experiences and expertise to find new and creative solutions to a complex and multifaceted challenge relevant for the NeurotechEU alliance. NeurotechEU Student Teams will be working on a challenge related to socio-technological citizenship. The chosen angle and exact theme will be revealed on the first day of the hack.
The aim of a challenge-driven hackathon is to bring people with various perspectives together and engage you to work intensely to accelerate innovative ideas, solutions, and potential paths forward to pressing and relevant issues. The hackathon is not about programming, it's a team-oriented event set up by Boğaziçi University in cooperation with the BME/Technological and Societal Innovation Workgroup to find innovative solutions to societal challenges related to socio-technological citizenship.