Call for applications: Scholarships for the Intensive German course1
If you want to improve your German, you can apply now for a scholarship for the Intensive German course at the University of Bonn in March 2025! Take your chance!
Women in Neuroscience Network Symposium - hybrid2
StratNeuro, in collaboration with the Career Service and NeurotechEU,
are excited to host the "Women in Neuroscience Network (WINN) Symposium"—
an inspiring event that highlights the diverse career paths of women in the field of neuroscience.
NeurotechEU Meet-up on 25 November3
On behalf of Rector Michael Hoch and the Vice Rectors Birgit Ulrike Münch and Ilona Grunwald, we would like to cordially invite you to this year's NeurotechEU Meet-up Bonn.
This year's event will be hosted by Matthias Braun and is entitled:
Deep Fakes - Between Nudging and Manipulating
Generative AI is creating digital replicas on an unprecedented scale, and these are being manipulated and misused. Deep fakes are an issue in many areas, and it is already clear that the technology will continue to develop in this area in the future and could play a role in more and more sectors of society. The banking and finance sector, the education sector, but especially the healthcare sector, are coming under increasing pressure. Although healthcare is one of the most regulated industries, based on the principles of trust and precision, the risks of counterfeiting are still underestimated. Digital fakes in their current form can easily tempt patients to follow unproven and untested treatments that could cost lives. There is, therefore, an urgent need to understand and address the issues arising from the use of deep fakes in healthcare to avoid confusion, mistrust and compromised health outcomes. At the same time, deep fakes pose larger epistemological and ethical questions: How can we be sure of anything we know? How might we use technology to distinguish fact from fiction? In what domains might humans have always accepted fakes and still make good decisions?
NeurotechEU Winter School4
The Miguel Hernández University of Elche is pleased to invite you to the NeurotechEU Winter School on "Challenges and risks of neuroscience and neurotechnology in times of Artificial Intelligence”. The Winter School will take place from December 16-18, 2024 in Elche, Spain.
Verbessern Sie Ihr Deutsch mit KI!5
Melden Sie sich JETZT für den Online-Kurs ab dem 21. Oktober an!
Neurodegenerative Disorders II6
Karolinska Institutet opens their doctoral courses for PhD candidates within the NeurotechEU alliance. This course aims to provide a deeper understanding of neurodegenerative disorders, focusing on molecular mechanisms and techniques used for studying these, as well as treatment strategies. Interested PhD students of the University of Bonn are invited to apply.
F*ck up night7
Join us for an unforgettable night, generously sponsored by Proteintech. This isn't your typical science gathering; it's a celebration of the twists and turns, the trials and tribulations that make science so intriguing—and you, a better researcher.