One European University — Countless Possibilities

NeurotechEU: the European University of Brain and Technology

NeurotechEU is an alliance of eight leading European universities (Radboud Universiteit, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Karolinska Institutet, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie “Iuliu Hațieganu” din Cluj-Napoca, Université de Lille, Reykjavik University) and over 250 partners from industry, academia and civil society that have set themselves the mission of building an innovative, trans-European network of excellence for brain research and technologies. This network of excellence offers an ideal platform for delivering multidisciplinary, intersectoral and personalized training for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students in Europe while also promoting lifelong learning in all areas of society. This is designed to help increase the international competitiveness of European education, research, economy and society. NeurotechEU has set itself the goal of being both the backbone of efforts to tackle the challenges of neuroscience and a center for pioneering technologies in 2040.



NeurotechEU: the alliance

Get to know NeurotechEU and join us on a fascinating journey across Europe, going all the way from Reykjavik to Istanbul and from Stockholm to Elche.

© Volkert Lannert/ University of Bonn

NeurotechEU in Bonn

The University of Bonn is one of eight European higher education institutions forming part of NeurotechEU. Find out more about our objectives and responsibilities in the alliance.


NeurotechEU for students

One of the main aims of NeurotechEU is to ensure an exceptional quality of multidisciplinary education for students. Find out more about offers and opportunities.

News and Events
NeurotechEU Hackathon in Istanbul

We are thrilled to invite you to the second challenge-driven and applied NeurotechEU hackathon!

You as a student or researcher, will work in teams, drawing from all your experiences and expertise to find new and creative solutions to a complex and multifaceted challenge relevant for the NeurotechEU alliance. NeurotechEU Student Teams will be working on a challenge related to socio-technological citizenship. The chosen angle and exact theme will be revealed on the first day of the hack.

The aim of a challenge-driven hackathon is to bring people with various perspectives together and engage you to work intensely to accelerate innovative ideas, solutions, and potential paths forward to pressing and relevant issues. The hackathon is not about programming, it's a team-oriented event set up by Boğaziçi University in cooperation with the BME/Technological and Societal Innovation Workgroup to find innovative solutions to societal challenges related to socio-technological citizenship. 

Donders Discussions 2024

NeurotechEU is pleased to invite PhD students and senior researchers to the 7th Donders Discussion which will take place from October 17-18, 2024. The topic of this year’s edition: Empowering connections from neurons to society.

The Donders Discussions is a two-day neuroscience conference organized by and for PhD candidates and Post-docs. The conference aims to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge by facilitating small-scale and in-depth discussions between junior researchers within and beyond the Donders Institute. The Donders Discussions have a strong multi-disciplinary objective, covering neuroscience from molecular and cellular processes up to system-level cognition and behavior. This integration of diverse disciplines creates an optimal atmosphere for fruitful discussions which can potentially lead to future collaborations.

Erasmus+ BIP - Summer School of Brain Mapping and Stimulation Techniques

"Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca is pleased to invite you to the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program "Summer School of Brain Mapping and Stimulation Techniques" which will take place between September 9-13, 2024 in Cluj-Napoca. 

The program covers a wide range of topics in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnology, including electroencephalography (EEG) and quantitative EEG (QEEG) fundamentals, eye tracking and brain stimulation techniques. It is designed to assist young researchers in comprehending attentional processes, decision-making, visual search strategies, and the impact of neurological disorders on eye movements and cognitive functions. This deeper comprehension will be enriched through the examination of neural stimulation methods, fostering insights into innovative approaches for modulating brain activity and addressing neurological challenges. Through interactive discussions and collaborative projects, participants will develop innovative solutions and contribute to advancements in the field of electroneurophysiology.

Toward the future

© University of Bonn

“NeurotechEU has the ambitious goal of building a joint program for education and research in the important area of Neurotechnology across excellent European universities and research institutions. As the academic lead of NeurotechEU in Bonn, I feel very fortunate to work with our outstanding partners toward this great vision which already offers new and exciting opportunities for our students and researchers here in Bonn. We’d love to have you on board! 

Prof. Dr. Ilona Grunwald Kadow
Head of the Institute of Physiology II

© Gregor Hübl/ University of Bonn

“NeurotechEU is setting the pace for global brain research and the development of digital technologies. It is also an outstanding hub for European academia. With its multidisciplinary top-level research and teaching, NeurotechEU will offer our students an inspiring international research environment.”

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch
Rector, University of Bonn




Joint grant programs


Million euro in shared funding

Priorities, work packages and contacts

Collaboration between the partner universities that make up the European alliance is being optimized by creating a virtual platform, NeurotechEU Spaces, and a virtual teaching and learning platform, Campus+, to offer in-person, online and hybrid learning. The NeurotechEU Center for Lifelong Learning will support the continuing further development of its graduates and society in general. Integration into society and the economy will help these modern, excellent universities to focus on the current and future needs of the world in the areas of education, innovation and society in order to make their graduates more employable and foster an entrepreneurial spirit. Another priority for NeurotechEU Bonn is providing bespoke online courses in German as a foreign language that are tailored to the respective target group.



European Universities and other initiatives

Excellence in education and mobility for teachers, students and researchers across Europe, with no borders inside the network. Find out more about the backers of the European initiative.

European Universities Initiative

The European Universities Initiative as a flagship project and key pillar of the European Education Area.

National Agency within the DAAD

The DAAD is supplementing the European initiative with the accompanying national program for German higher education institutions.

BMBF: European Universities

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting the university networks in parallel with the European Universities Initiative.

The Europe Strategy of the University of Bonn

Increasing collaboration with partners in the European landscape of academic research and teaching is a primary objective for the University of Bonn, which aims to leverage to greater effect existing instruments for inter-networking academic institutions throughout the European Union.

NeurotechEU: Newsletter

Our newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest news of NeurotechEU at the University of Bonn. To subscribe to the newsletter, please send an e-mail with the subject “subscribe newsletter [your first name] [your last name]”. 


Avatar Monreal

Dr. Sarah Monreal

Projektkoordinatorin NeurotechEU

Gebäude III

Argelanderstraße 1

53115 Bonn

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